Three Profitable Offshore Opportunities - Banking, Forex, And a Foundation The world is changing and it is changing fast. Who would have thought that small Asian economies would be leading the way out of the worst recession in seventy-five years? Who would have thought that a country like Peru would be buying dollars to alter the exchange rate and help prop up the dollar? It is a brand new world where perhaps the best place to set up a banking operation is in New Zealand although an NZOFC cannot be called a bank! Still, a tried and true solution to offshore asset management such as a Panama Private Interest Foundation remains as a profitable and secure offshore solution along with offshore banking, and opening a Forex company. More and more people are moving their assets, their talents, and themselves out of their nations of origin and into a busy, industrious, and profitable offshore world. The very wealthy have banked in tax advantaged jurisdictions for years. They have taken still take advantage of offshore asset protection and privacy vehicles such as trusts, international corporations, and foundations to shield their wealth from prying eyes and reduce the tax consequence of inheritance. However, it is the surge of expatriates from all over the globe moving and doing business all over the globe that opens the doors to profitable offshore investment opportunities. Three profitable offshore opportunities are starting a bank, forming an offshore Forex company, and using a Panama Private Interest Foundation as a holder of tangible assets, businesses, and bank accounts. There are many opportunities in today's fast moving world. We choose these three for their combination of opportunity and security. Offshore Banking in the 21st Century: an NZOFC There are many offshore banking jurisdictions. There are also a number of jurisdictions where an individual or corporation can obtain licensing and set up business offering banking services. In choosing a jurisdiction for offering offshore banking services the individual or corporation will want to search out a democratic, politically and economically stable, business friendly country. A nation where English, still the universal language, is spoken is a plus. The nation will need to have at least adequate infrastructure to support the business and ideally will have first rate telecommunications, transportation, and support services. A nation that offers a first rate offshore banking opportunity and also fits the necessary criteria for a successful offshore operation is New Zealand. This former British Crown Colony is located in the Southwest Pacific to the East of Australia. Its population is mostly descended from British immigrants and is mostly English speaking. The country is well governed with little or no corruption and its educational standards are as good as or better than the USA, Canada, and Great Britain. This is a business friendly country known for its innovative spirit. Of our three profitable offshore opportunities we put the New Zealand Offshore Financial Company (NZOFC) at the top of the list. This type of company is not governed by New Zealand banking law nor regulated by the Federal Reserve Bank of New Zealand. There are no capital reserve requirements in setting up an NZOFC. The law in New Zealand is quite specific in that an NZOFC cannot be called a bank or intimated to be a bank. However, such a company can take deposits from anywhere in the world outside of New Zealand. It can pay interests, make loans, market investments, manage trusts, and provide virtually all services that a bank might offer. Anyone from any country is free to apply for a license to operate an NZOFC. A Profitable Foreign Exchange Opportunity So, the Chinese are trading the Yuan versus the Malaysian Ringgit. The Euro is periodically in free fall as Greece and the other PIIGS reveal more sovereign debt. A flight to quality sends folks out buying Yen, US dollars, and Swiss francs. So, how do you trade foreign exchange in this hectic and uncertain world of international finance? There is certainly money to be made in Forex trading. There is, however, steady money to be made in running a Forex brokerage offshore. There are a number of jurisdictions still where it is possible to obtain a Forex license. Because of the variable degrees of infrastructure development, business friendliness, and political stability in some offshore jurisdictions it is wise to consult someone with experience to help choose a jurisdiction, obtain licensure, and initiate operations. There are a number good places from which to do business, depending up individual preference. There are also a few disadvantageous jurisdictions to be avoided. Starting out with good advice in this arena is wise. The point of setting of a Forex company is that the fees and commissions are steady income. While trading can be profitable it can also be a drain on capital. This is the old argument about selling picks and shovels when everyone else is prospecting for gold. Handling Offshore Opportunity in the Most Advantageous Manner The third offshore opportunity we mention is the Panama Private Interest Foundation. This is not directly a business opportunity but it can be a "holder" of businesses, bank accounts, and assets such as art work, yachts, airplanes, jewelry, and more. A Panama Private Interest Foundation has no owner. It does have beneficiaries. Such an entity is often used in place of a trust to pass on inheritance with minimal tax consequences. The foundation is set up in such a way and with instructions so that beneficiaries change when the first beneficiary dies. Especially for those with concerns about asset privacy and security this type of foundation will allow for individuals to benefit from assets, businesses, and bank accounts without having their personal names or other details in any public registry. A common use of a Panama Private Interest Foundation is in an integrated offshore asset protection solution containing offshore businesses, bank accounts, and other assets. Typically the foundation is the lynch pin in this solution as the holder of assets for the use and benefit of designated persons, the beneficiaries. These three profitable offshore opportunities are available to anyone interested in pursuing them. It only takes an email or phone call to an experienced individual or company to get the ball roll

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Thinking of Starting Up Your Own Bank Or Financial Institution? Bank Ownership Offshore Offshore bank ownership solutions include a New Zealand Finance Company, an EU Registered Trust Company, a Panama registered Forex Brokerage, or a Closed End Fund registered in the British Virgin Islands. Each of these bank ownership solutions can be set up in tax advantaged manner in tax advantaged jurisdictions. It is possible to set up a tax advantaged banking solution and to be able to offer traditional banking services including the provision of checking and savings accounts, certificates of deposit, trust account services, wire transfer services, credit and debit card services, and trust account services. The rules and regulations vary front one jurisdiction to another. However, it is perfectly legal to set up an offshore banking solution in any of several jurisdictions world wide, taking advantage of the laws of that country. In general, it is possible to find jurisdictions when one does not to provide the capital reserves required of a traditional bank in the same country. Not All Offshore Banking Solutions Are the Same If you are considering banking offshore talk to an offshore expert because not all offshore banking solutions are the same. The world is full of decent offshore banking solutions and there are a handful of exceptional offshore banking solutions. Why not go with the best and most professional choices? You should work out the best offshore banking solution in your choice of jurisdictions. Offshore shore banking in tax advantaged jurisdictions can save you money. Offshore banking can be very discrete in an increasingly intrusive world. Offshore banking can be safe and profitable. An offshore banking solution should save you money, guard your privacy, and protect your assets. Offshore Banking Solutions: Closed End Funds One of the many offshore banking/financial institution options is to start and run you own closed end hedge fund. An offshore expert can help you explore the opportunities involved in such an investment and its relevance to your personal needs. An offshore closed end fund option is in the British Virgin Islands. Such a fund invests pooled assets, charges management fees, and, typically, receives performance fees on profits. The British Virgin Islands are a tax advantaged jurisdiction for such an institution. Reporting requirements and the attendant overhead are minimal in the British Virgin Islands helping to hold costs down. Such a fund can engage in investments and trading world wide without excessive reporting requirements to local institutions. This is a tax advantaged location. You can seek advice about the pros and cons of starting a British Virgin Islands registered closed end fund. It is also possible to obtain the technical support required to successfully run a closed end fund in the British Virgin Islands. A closed end fund can be a very successful undertaking if properly set up and managed in a tax advantaged, low overhead location. Offshore Banking Solutions: Forex Brokerage An attractive offshore banking/finance option is to set up a Forex brokerage in the country of Panama. This is a tax advantaged jurisdiction with minimal overhead from reporting requirements in its jurisdiction. There is a several opportunities offered by setting up a Forex brokerage in the Republic of Panama. If property set up and managed a Forex brokerage in Panama can be a profitable undertaking in a tax advantaged jurisdiction with a low overhead as relates to reporting requirements in Panama. Panama has an advanced telecommunications infrastructure sufficient to support active trading as done by the brokerage houses and individual traders working out of Panama. The expertise and infrastructure knowledge needed for a successful Forex brokerage business is something the investor will need to bring to the table. You can be provided the advice and council to successfully register and set up business in this offshore location. You should seek advice about the pros and cons of incorporating in Panama as an offshore corporation. This is a tax advantaged location and if property set up and managed can offer a substantial overhead reduction as relates to local reporting requirements. Offshore Banking Solutions: Trust Company An attractive offshore banking/finance solution is a trust company registered in the European Union. You should ask about the advantages of registering the company in the EU while accounts are held and administered in a tax advantaged offshore location. This is traditionally a service of large banks but can be provided from a tax advantaged offshore jurisdiction as an offshore banking solution available to investors. If properly set up and managed, such a trust company can act as a legal trustee for clients throughout the world. Such a company can be set up with the capability to wire monies worldwide and can offer debit cards for account holders. Talk to an offshore advisor about the opportunities offered by acting as a trustee to a world wide client base using an EU and other offshore solution. As with all offshore solutions, seek competent, trustworthy council in setting up the business entity. Talk about your goals and business risk tolerance. You will get help to evaluate and set up this or any other offshore banking solution in tax advantage locations with low reporting overhead. Who Sets Up Offshore Banks and Why? Banks set up offshore banks as do corporations, groups of companies, and groups of investors. The formation of an offshore can be extremely tax advantaged for the investment, corporate, or banking group. In the right location the cost of business can be significantly less than in the countries of origin of the bank shareholders. Setting up a bank allows the entities mentioned above to profit from their own banking needs and profit from selling banking services to others. The tax advantages of offshore locations as well as well packaged services such as trust accounts, international credit and debit cards, savings and checking accounts, loan services if well merchandized can attract business and provide a profit over and above the savings that the offshore bank can provide its shareholders. Seek advise about use of an offshore bank for your business and ownership of your own offshore bank alone or with partners. Talk to an offshore advisor about locations and options in creating your own offshore banking ownership solution. As with all business ventures good planning, competent council and careful follow through will lead to the best results. Why a New Zealand Finance Company? The country of New Zealand allows one to set up a credit union, building society, or finance company as well as a registered bank in its jurisdiction. Why would one choose to form a New Zealand Finance Company?. Each situation is unique, each jurisdiction, each individual. You will get help with an appraisal of the needs of the investor and the opportunities in the jurisdiction. An opportunity that presents itself in New Zealand is that a New Zealand Finance Company can be set up and managed without the substantial reserves required of a standard bank. Also, such an entity can be set up to reduce paperwork by not requiring the supervision of the New Zealand Federal Reserve Bank. Despite the ease of operation of this opportunity and potential for a low cost of entry such an entity can offer a full range of banking services to offshore customers, including checking and savings accounts, credit card services, and investment marketing. In general, the ease of operation and freedom from red tape involved in a New Zealand Finance Company comes with offering services only off clients offshore from New Zealand. A New Zealand Finance Company might be what you are looking for. A refreshing and low cost alternative to a fully licensed bank. An offshore formations and banking specialist working for several companies regarding offshore structures, formation of companies, foundations, banks and financial institutions. Working for User Bancorp Ltd, which is providing private and corporate accounts, merchant accounts, offshore companies such as Belize IBC's (International Business Company), Panama corporations and foundations, wire transfer services, managed funds/forex, credit- debit- and prepaid card issuing.

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