Three Profitable Offshore Opportunities - Banking, Forex, And a Foundation The world is changing and it is changing fast. Who would have thought that small Asian economies would be leading the way out of the worst recession in seventy-five years? Who would have thought that a country like Peru would be buying dollars to alter the exchange rate and help prop up the dollar? It is a brand new world where perhaps the best place to set up a banking operation is in New Zealand although an NZOFC cannot be called a bank! Still, a tried and true solution to offshore asset management such as a Panama Private Interest Foundation remains as a profitable and secure offshore solution along with offshore banking, and opening a Forex company. More and more people are moving their assets, their talents, and themselves out of their nations of origin and into a busy, industrious, and profitable offshore world. The very wealthy have banked in tax advantaged jurisdictions for years. They have taken still take advantage of offshore asset protection and privacy vehicles such as trusts, international corporations, and foundations to shield their wealth from prying eyes and reduce the tax consequence of inheritance. However, it is the surge of expatriates from all over the globe moving and doing business all over the globe that opens the doors to profitable offshore investment opportunities. Three profitable offshore opportunities are starting a bank, forming an offshore Forex company, and using a Panama Private Interest Foundation as a holder of tangible assets, businesses, and bank accounts. There are many opportunities in today's fast moving world. We choose these three for their combination of opportunity and security. Offshore Banking in the 21st Century: an NZOFC There are many offshore banking jurisdictions. There are also a number of jurisdictions where an individual or corporation can obtain licensing and set up business offering banking services. In choosing a jurisdiction for offering offshore banking services the individual or corporation will want to search out a democratic, politically and economically stable, business friendly country. A nation where English, still the universal language, is spoken is a plus. The nation will need to have at least adequate infrastructure to support the business and ideally will have first rate telecommunications, transportation, and support services. A nation that offers a first rate offshore banking opportunity and also fits the necessary criteria for a successful offshore operation is New Zealand. This former British Crown Colony is located in the Southwest Pacific to the East of Australia. Its population is mostly descended from British immigrants and is mostly English speaking. The country is well governed with little or no corruption and its educational standards are as good as or better than the USA, Canada, and Great Britain. This is a business friendly country known for its innovative spirit. Of our three profitable offshore opportunities we put the New Zealand Offshore Financial Company (NZOFC) at the top of the list. This type of company is not governed by New Zealand banking law nor regulated by the Federal Reserve Bank of New Zealand. There are no capital reserve requirements in setting up an NZOFC. The law in New Zealand is quite specific in that an NZOFC cannot be called a bank or intimated to be a bank. However, such a company can take deposits from anywhere in the world outside of New Zealand. It can pay interests, make loans, market investments, manage trusts, and provide virtually all services that a bank might offer. Anyone from any country is free to apply for a license to operate an NZOFC. A Profitable Foreign Exchange Opportunity So, the Chinese are trading the Yuan versus the Malaysian Ringgit. The Euro is periodically in free fall as Greece and the other PIIGS reveal more sovereign debt. A flight to quality sends folks out buying Yen, US dollars, and Swiss francs. So, how do you trade foreign exchange in this hectic and uncertain world of international finance? There is certainly money to be made in Forex trading. There is, however, steady money to be made in running a Forex brokerage offshore. There are a number of jurisdictions still where it is possible to obtain a Forex license. Because of the variable degrees of infrastructure development, business friendliness, and political stability in some offshore jurisdictions it is wise to consult someone with experience to help choose a jurisdiction, obtain licensure, and initiate operations. There are a number good places from which to do business, depending up individual preference. There are also a few disadvantageous jurisdictions to be avoided. Starting out with good advice in this arena is wise. The point of setting of a Forex company is that the fees and commissions are steady income. While trading can be profitable it can also be a drain on capital. This is the old argument about selling picks and shovels when everyone else is prospecting for gold. Handling Offshore Opportunity in the Most Advantageous Manner The third offshore opportunity we mention is the Panama Private Interest Foundation. This is not directly a business opportunity but it can be a "holder" of businesses, bank accounts, and assets such as art work, yachts, airplanes, jewelry, and more. A Panama Private Interest Foundation has no owner. It does have beneficiaries. Such an entity is often used in place of a trust to pass on inheritance with minimal tax consequences. The foundation is set up in such a way and with instructions so that beneficiaries change when the first beneficiary dies. Especially for those with concerns about asset privacy and security this type of foundation will allow for individuals to benefit from assets, businesses, and bank accounts without having their personal names or other details in any public registry. A common use of a Panama Private Interest Foundation is in an integrated offshore asset protection solution containing offshore businesses, bank accounts, and other assets. Typically the foundation is the lynch pin in this solution as the holder of assets for the use and benefit of designated persons, the beneficiaries. These three profitable offshore opportunities are available to anyone interested in pursuing them. It only takes an email or phone call to an experienced individual or company to get the ball roll

Subhanallah!! Inilah Cara Mengesan Kehadiran Malaikat Di Sekeliling Kita Menurut Hadis Rasulullah SAW

How To Develop Discipline And Patience In Forex Tough mission for many. However, to develop discipline and patience we first need to understand that these two are also directly linked to fear and greed. DISCIPLINE Discipline can and always has been sabotaged by the internal Child in us. The Child hates discipline! Wants to play, to explore, to be creative or to try new things. Too bored with things that do not move. Is constantly looking for fun, games or thrills. And Forex is an awesome playground for excitement. Therefore, we have to be strict with our Child. Tell our Child you cannot have the fun and games at Forex! The other place you cannot have the fun is at a funeral. He or she can have all the fun elsewhere but not at Forex or the funeral. Thrilla in Forexa & Funera a la Banca! So, get yourself to do three simple things each day. Write them on a blackboard in your office or bedroom. And if you manage to get these three things done each day for five consecutive days, buy yourself a present on the sixth day. Do this for a month. While carrying out this mission/reward exercise you will discover it is easier for your Child to set goals and follow them too during your trading. Why will this work? Simply because our Child is a sucker for rewards. He or she will do anything if you dangle some goodies at the end of the stick. If this doesn't do the trick, then get someone to monitor (look over the shoulders) whereby you would have to send in a short ten-line summary of your daily activities by email at the end of each evening - or risk paying a fine! At present I am monitoring several clients and their discipline has increased ten-fold! Their Child hates paying fines. They would rather pay for the monitoring services than pay a fine. PATIENCE We lack patience because the "not OK" Child in you and I needs instant gratification. We need a quick fix, NOW! The fix could be anything other than winning at Forex. Trading is just a vehicle to feel good - should we win. But the vehicle could be a promotion at work, someone you fall madly in love with, or anything else that makes us feel happy or elated. The "not OK" Child, as defined in Transactional Analysis, has been seeking instant gratification since early childhood when we first came to the erroneous conclusion that we are "not OK" or inferior. Years of being admonished or criticized lead us to feel we are not good enough so we unconsciously seek acceptance. To be "OK" you need MONEY. Money enables you to acquire things. To eat at great restaurants, live in fancy neighborhoods - but more importantly, be accepted by others. Hence, it is more profound than you think, as this one early conclusion often governs and triggers our feelings of greed and fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of missing the goodies, of not having enough. We always want more because these mischievous, subconscious hit and run thoughts known as Monkeys keep coming back over and over again spiking feelings you cannot control. No matter who you are or what you do a small group of these thoughts: You want/You can't/What's going to happen?/You're going to lose, known as the Gang of Four (G4), is waiting for you and I the minute we wake up. These thought muggers roam the dark alleys of our mind and when we get hit we spill out negative feelings and emotions. So, our decision in fighting them would depend on how badly we were clobbered in the past. The greater your suffering at the hands of these sub-intelligent thoughts the greater your motivation will be in defeating them. Hey, didn't I say you cannot control them? YES, WE CAN! Each time you feel greedy just scream out loud in your head: GREED! YOU'RE GREEDY!!! This would immediately freeze the Monkey in the act. You are at the first stage, or realization stage, when you are able to catch yourself feeling greedy by jumping the gun when all indicators are yet to show. Or find yourself overtrading, or doubling up - or simply, impatient! Now, that is only the first stage. There are three stages: Realization / Decision /Action. Realizing that we are always trying to get a quick fix to offset the "not OK" burden we carry with us is only a step ahead to developing discipline and patience. Next you have to make a decision. OK, so we have identified the Monkeys that have been sneaking on us and screwing us up. What are we going to do about them? If we do not decide to stop them, they will be back spiking us with those feelings of greed and fear all over again. Hence, you want to ask yourself who's in charge. The Monkeys or you! If you do not decide who is in control you will forever be a slave to these Monkeys. You have to make a serious decision who is the boss. The Monkeys or you! 99% of people do not even know they are slaves to their inner bullies. Imagine a man getting attacked from behind by a real physical mugger. He gets beaten badly and falls to the ground. He then gets up and staggers on. Not even turning back to see who that mugger was. A week later he gets mugged again in that same rough neighborhood, and again walks away without turning back to identify his assailants. Is he some kind of dummy you may ask? But 99% of people who were psychologically attacked and felt frustration, revenge, stress and other deadly emotions do not know who their inner assailants are. Simply because we were NEVER taught who they are, nor how to identify or disarm them. Now that we have decided to do something we need to transform this decision into action! Each time you feel impatient, get up and walk away from the screen. Take a shower. Make yourself a drink. Call your mother-in-law;-). Look out of the window. Take a walk. Put on your favorite CD. Volunteer to help your spouse with some chores. Do anything - but stare at your charts! Your impatience would wither away as you focus your attention elsewhere. Imagine receiving some good news on the phone. Would you still feel impatient? Your attention would be miles away from trading! Your real objective is to feel good and there are hundreds of vehicles to take you there, apart from Forex. So, the very second impatience creeps in, shift your attention or focus elsewhere. You will regain immediate control over the Monkeys when you do this. Try it! You may also want to make a lightning visit to the three Worlds. They are different states of mind. The first "World" is a world of detachment where you project yourself from a distance and look back at your physical body in the room or wherever you happen to be. Imagine you are a spider on the wall, or better still, you are dead and floating on the ceiling. Then look back at yourself. Now, how important is this life that you are living, now that you are dead? After a few moments, enter the second "World" - be here and now. Look around you as if you had just landed from Mars. Focus intently on the things you see around you as if for the first time. You are now entering the "World" of awareness. This moment is the moment where you can see, hear, and feel. You are conscious of the present. You are here and now! Next, a quick visit to the third "World," an ocean of subconscious thoughts. Surf on a few positive ones: think of what you have and what you can do with what you have. Just think for a moment about the marvelous things you can do with what you have right now. If you are thirsty, you can drink; if you want to call someone, you can. If you desire to go see a movie, you can... The list can be a mile long, but just surfing one or two appreciative thoughts is enough to make you feel extremely good. And then, go back to the first "World"... This round trip to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd "Worlds" can be repeated as many times as you wish. You will be investing only a few minutes each time, but you will feel much lighter and relaxed throughout the day. Hope this helps!

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